lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

New rates!

Now the satellite phones can be availables for all! We have new rates with internet with movistar en orange, depending if you want internet or not, you don't have no excuses to buy it.
Have a look:

rate for satellite phones 1: 2G with iliitate calls , 25,90 €
rate for satellite phones 2: 1G with 200 min of calls, 14,95€
rate for satellite phones: 1G with 500 messages ang ilimitate calls, 29,90 €

Black range: 2G with ilimitates calls and ilimitate messages, 34,90
Red range: 2G with ilimitate calls 29,90€
White range: 1G with 100  messages and 350" of free calls, for 19,90€

New models of mobile phones on sale!

You have not tried this before?
Look at the models of mobile who have line with satellite. They are on sale right now in this page!